Wednesday, May 1, 2013

To Africa we go again.... Summer 2013

We decided to take our Granddaughter,  Aleicyn to Kruger in June , July 2013. She does not know yet we are going to tell her when the school year ends on May 23rd.
I dislike Louisiana weather in June, July and August so this is a good reason to make the trip, we will also see family there which is also nice.
Thank goodness for the time being we are still able and healthy enough to make these trips.
I have made contact with an old friend Pat Miller so we hope to see him when we are there.
I am also looking forward to a few good Steaks and some Boerewors ( for the Americans reading this Boerewors is a type of Sausage ) and good Red Wine when I am down there.
I will post more as we go hopefully some good Animal pics from Kruger.

1 comment:

  1. I am patiently waiting... BUT its about to kill me! :):):)
