Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rainy days off Natural History Tour Picture of Bear and Caribou

We had our usual two days off but being in Alaska the weather plays a big part in what we can and cannot do. Unfortunately it rained all day yesterday. Today I got up early 5.00am for a hike before Alice got up. I was wandering along a trail next to a beautiful river when all of a sudden a huge moose jumped out in front of me! Well, we had been warned that there were more moose attacks than bear attacks and that you should run from a moose and not from a bear.

We managed to get back into the park for the Natural History Tour and some hiking. There is a bear and a caribou in two of the pics.... see if you can see them.

We left the tour at the halfway point and decided to hike down to Savage River. We had seen a Grizzly Bear earlier and I thought we might cross paths. We then noticed some footprints in the mud and sure enough they were bear. I must say we were glad that we did not bump into him.

1 comment:

  1. Did you run like you were told to Grand-dad or were you scared still?!

    That bear in that picture must be pretty big!

    Love you
