Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trans Siberian Trip Update

The trip started in St Petersburg then on to Suzdal a cool little town steeped in history, then on to Moscow where we seen St Basils Cathedral, Red Square, The Kremlin and Lenin's Mauseleum I must say he still looks pretty good after being dead for so long. Then 4 days on the train accross Siberia many gallons of good Vodka was consumed, then on to to Irkusk where the Decembrists have a museum about the hard times in the Siberian Prisons then on to Lake Baikal where I had my first Russian Banyan (Sauna) after which you get beat up by branches of a tree then you jump in the freezing cold water in the snow....this was great fun. Then on to Mongolia ( I had a slight misunderstanding with a hairdresser here and now I am Bald ) probably the highlight of the trip we had an oppurtunity to visit a GER ( A Mongolian Tent where upwards of 800,000 people call home) District where the poverty is unbelievable here we were able to teach an English Class it was very moving for me. That night we spent in a Ger Camp for tourists we made dumplings and drank lots and had great fun playing in the snow. From here it was the train to Beijing where I met Alice we flew to Hanoi in Vietnam a dirty horrible place where the traffic is crazy and there is no infrastructure you take your life in your hands just crossing the road, We made a daytrip to Halong Bay ( Google Halong Bay) a real cool Bay with mountainous rock structures raising out of the see one of the most cool places I have ever visited.
We decided to take the train the last 1000 miles to Saigon...big mistake the train was filthy and a typhoon hit Vietnam during the night and the train was stranded we had to get off the train and get bussed 100 miles where the train could resume the journey to Saigon we lucked out and shared a taxi with a Vietnamese family ,we got to the train station after having seen some terrible landslides and resumed our journey on the Roach infested train finally we arrived Saigon flew to Bangkok for a few days and here we are home sweet home....Man it is nice to sit in my recliner again.

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