Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lilongwe Malawi to Dar Es Salam Tanzania and on to Zanzibar

We left Malawi two nights ago on a bus from hell, the corridor of the bus was filled with goods and the only way you could get to you assigned seat was by climbing all over everyone and everything, chickens included. To top it off we had a blowout in the middle of the night. This eventually took us to southern Tanzania where we arranged a taxi to take us the next 600 miles. Things went fine until we had to fill up with gas and then what we thought we were paying 85,000 shillings or $50.00 for the trip turned to 850,000 shillings or $500.00. We agreed to be ripped off! Then it got dark ----and our driver had never driven in the dark before. It got so dangerous Liam, the guy I am travelling with, started driving.He hit a pothole and lost tire number one. Half an hour later, he lost the donut too!Soo now we were in the middle of nowhere and unable to proceed after four hours. At 2 am in the morning we found a hotel and slept for a few hours and got a 12 hour bus to Dar Es Salam. On our way to get something to eat, I stepped off the pavement and straight down a uncovered drain. I have a cut on my leg and a broken left big toe... The following morning we got up early and took the ferry across to the Island of Zanzibar which is very picturesque but sadly very poor. The people never stop hassling you as they think all tourists are rich. It makes it unpleasant to leave the hotel. It is warm here with humidity in the 95% range so I feel right at home. Yesterday I met an old man, he was 60 (The average mortality rate here is 48 ) and he had worked hard his whole life and his pension is $34 per month. He was telling me that when this was Tanganyika years ago things were good but now things are just hopeless. It was quite a sad conversation.....and yet again I feel thankful that I live in the USA. On Monday we head to Kenya where we will visit Serengetti. Hopefully we will see lots of animals...more to follow along with some pics. My laptop has died, I now have to rely on Internet Cafes to post to the blog.

1 comment:

  1. If you had a small dictaphone by the time you get home your book would be half way finished.
