Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Salt Flats of Bolivia

Our trip started with a visit to the train cemetary in Uyni Bolivia "See lil Smokey waving out the train window" .We then went out to the Salt Flats where depth perception does not exist and we had some fun taking some crazy photographs which you will see in this post.
We continued south and saw the process of drying and packaging the salt which sells to the local market at $1.50/ 1oo Lbs. ....a very hard way to make a living.
After this we went to an island ( Isla Pescado ) that was over 10,000 years old in th middle of the salt flats where the cactus grows to over 7m - 23 ft. high. This was awesome. We spent the night in a salt built hotel limited electricty and water supply....this gets you back to nature. Oh for a hot shower.
This area was once under the ocean. It looks very much like I would imagine the surface of the moon to be like. NASA uses this area to test their robots since it is the closest thing to the surface of Mars that they have found.

There are still many active volcanoes in this area. We visited some of the most active and amazing geysers!!!! What an amazing experience....

We got up early the next morning an headed to the Laguna Colorado- Google this and we seen the colored lakes red, blue and green and thousands of beautiful Flamingos.
Another night in very basic accomodations and then homeward bound if you can call Uyni home...
Then accross the Siloli Desert which has some awesome rock formations.
We then visited more rock formations on the way back to Uyuni..... this has been one of the highlights of our trip.
From here we took a train to Tupiza and then another bus to Salta in Argentina where we have three days rest before we head to Mendoza, Argentina. Photos to follow when we have a decent internet connection.

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